
如果只可以用一張相黎代表一個地方比我嘅感覺,對住幾百張相,我以為我會有選擇力缺乏症XD 最後我選擇左呢張!

I enjoy taking lots of photos to memorize what I saw in my every trip. Sometimes I take more than 1 for the same view to make sure that I can choose the best!
If I can only choose 1 photo to represent my feeling about a city, I’m afraid I can’t choose it within hundreds of choices. XD Finally, I choose this one.

Wish.Aix en Provence

Aix en Provence比我嘅感覺係一個充滿希望嘅城市,呢度嘅建築物有個特色,就係側邊都會有個供信奉者祈禱嘅雕刻。

Personally, Aix en Provence is a city of wish. The building here is so special that there is a statue set up on the building for the prayer.

據說呢到嘅教堂以前原來有等級之分,有錢人唔想同窮人一齊祈禱,所以教堂都要唔同時間就分流唔同嘅人喇! 但因為人太多,好難作出安排,所以之後就係建築物外面設左呢D供信奉者祈禱嘅雕刻, 咁樣D人就可以係任何時候任何有雕刻嘅地方祈禱喇!

I heard that long time ago people are ranked by money and power here. The richer group doesn’t want to pray with the poorer group so the church will arrange the time for different group. However, it’s too difficult to arrange because of too many people. Therefore, government set up the statue on the building for the prayer who can’t go inside the church.

呢D供信奉者祈禱嘅雕刻係Aix en Provence舊市街真係好常見架!


This kind of statue is very common in Aix en Provence.

City of wish is my feeling about Aix en Provence because people can pray and make a wish anytime.

除左供信奉者祈禱嘅雕刻之外,Aix en Provence 嘅建築仲有另一個有趣嘅特色。


如果要我比個意義佢,我會覺得有種” 共同建立一個城市嘅理念” !

Besides, the building in Aix en Provence is so interesting.

Man and woman, two men, and an angel, are holding the building. Any story can tell?

Haa…it’s just the art of architecture.

Actually, I think it’s a meaning of “Building a city together”.

Oh! The man face is so funny!




People, who like the Architecture, will be enjoy in Cathedrale St. Sauveur.

This church includes lots of styles from 16 century of Gothic style, Provence of Roman style, 12 century of Roman style and also the period of Renaissance style.

I just enjoy seeing the building whatever it is from which period and which style.

哈哈! 從高處望,呢D瓦片屋又幾 中國特色wo!
Haa…at the top to see these houses, it seems to be Chinese style.

行下行下,發現到一個小小皇宮呀! 唔通呢度就係有錢人住嘅地方!

Keep walking inside the city, I discovered a beautiful house. Is the rich group living there?

Albertas 廣場吸引唔少遊客到此一影,我地要影到沒有途人嘅相,少d耐性都唔得呀! 睇下後面幾多人等緊XD

哈哈! 喜歡這張扮自然,其實好唔自然,重點係她肯陪我扮XD

PI.d Albertas is a place that attracts many tourists to take photos here. Haa…if you want to take a perfect photo, you need to have patience. See! There are many tourists waiting.

Haa…I like this photo. Pretend natural but fail. The main point is I can find her pretend with me XD

好開心可以係Aix en Provence見到咁特別嘅建築物,因為欣賞建築物,喜歡影建築物同了解背後嘅故事係我去旅行常做嘅事,我試過為左一座建築物而去一個地方或者花成日係一群建築物XD


I’m so happy that I can see many special buildings and have great experience in Aix en Provence.

For me, I always travel because of seeing the building and discover the story behind. Also, I’m willing to spend a whole day for the buildings. XD

So, what do you travel for?