香港旅發局推介,2025年首個晨曦 觀日好去處!新一年想開個好頭?日出無限好,依山傍海遙望晨光喚醒香港,開展朝氣蓬勃嘅新氣象,就至醒神啦!以下精選咗4個適合新手嘅觀日好去處 ,即刻按圖揀心水地點,睇鹹蛋黃慢慢升起嘅絕美景色!即睇GOtrip小編為你精心推薦的2024香港郊遊最新資訊:



2025新年祝福語|英文祝福例句 即學即用50句新年祝福短訊

Magical Spots to Catch the First Sunrise of 2025: Start your year from the top! The golden rays of sunlight signal a fresh beginning as they gently awaken the city . We’ve selected four breathtaking spots for you to greet the first light of 2025 with your loved ones; choose your perfect hike and kick off the year with nature’s most spectacular show!

2025年元旦日出行山路線: 龍蝦灣 Lung Ha Wan

精彩豐富嘅一年,由龍蝦灣嘅海上曙光開始!呢度有無敵大海景,仲可以遠眺果洲群島、牛尾洲等島嶼風光,為你獻上多重視覺享受。試想像日出嘅金光鋪滿海面群山 ,享受璀璨嘅2025年!相關連結:海闊天空風景路線 B9 東海大嶺捉龍蝦

Lung Ha Wan awakens with golden rays dancing across pristine waters . Watch as dawn unveils the graceful silhouettes of Ninepin Group (aka Kwo Chau Islands) and Shelter Island (aka Ngau Mei Chau), painting your first moments of 2025 in pure magic.

2025年元旦日出行山路線:大帽山 Tai Mo Shan

大帽山係香港最高山峰,亦係觀賞日出雲起嘅熱門之選!登上近山頂嘅天氣雷達站,望日光湧出山巒,非常治癒。遇上天公造美,仲可以見到晨曦穿透雲霧嘅美景,順便為新年許個美好願望。 相關連結:新界大帽山:漫遊雲海間

At Hong Kong’s highest peak, a breathtaking sunrise awaits. Ascend to the Weather Radar Station, where you can behold the sun’s radiant light cascading over the mountains. A shimmering sea of clouds may unfold beneath you — an enchanting view that hints at a joyous New Year!

2025年元旦日出行山路線:鶴咀 Cape D’Aguilar


Visit the “World’s End” — Cape D’Aguilar — with your special someone to welcome the New Year in a romantic setting. With its facade facing east, the century-old lighthouse offers the perfect vantage point to witness the sunrise.

2025年元旦日出行山路線:船灣淡水湖 Plover Cove Reservoir

想嚟個不一樣嘅日出之旅?船灣淡水湖絕對係首選,輕鬆穿越主壩兼欣賞晨光點綴海平面;到達副壩後,造型獨特嘅溢水壩伴隨日出閃亮登場,為2025年拉開動人序幕!相關連結:3小時行船灣淡水湖主副壩! 易行全平路|附交通方法

As you stroll along the main dam, let your footsteps sync with the rhythm of the sunrise — each step revealing more of the sea illuminated by golden rays. There, the spillway of the saddle dam rises from the morning mist, your gateway to endless possibilities in 2025.

sunrise hiking trails hong kong Lung Ha Wan 船灣淡水湖 Plover Cove Reservoir(圖片來源:Discover Hong Kong)
船灣淡水湖 Plover Cove Reservoir(圖片來源:Discover Hong Kong)

sunrise hiking trails hong kong Lung Ha Wan 由 Andy Yeung 拍攝 鶴咀 Cape D’Aguilar(圖片來源:Discover Hong Kong)
由 Andy Yeung 拍攝 鶴咀 Cape D’Aguilar(圖片來源:Discover Hong Kong)

sunrise hiking trails hong kong Lung Ha Wan 由 Nathan Harper Limited 拍攝的 大帽山 Tai Mo Shan(圖片來源:Discover Hong Kong)
由 Nathan Harper Limited 拍攝的 大帽山 Tai Mo Shan(圖片來源:Discover Hong Kong)








圖片來源:香港旅遊發展局資料或影片來源:Discover Hong Kong