
新年快樂2025 英文祝福例句 即學即用50句新年祝福短訊目錄


「2025 愛你愛我」這句話的流行,主要源於其諧音巧合景,並且在今年華文社會中被廣泛使用作為新年的祝福語。

  • 數字與語言的結合:在中文中,數字「2025」的發音可以與「愛你愛我」相聯繫,特別是在某些方言中,這種語音上的相似性使得這句話成為一種有趣且富有創意的祝福方式。

  • 新年祝福的傳統:在中國文化中,新年是表達祝福和良好願望的重要時刻。人們通常會用各種方式來祝福親友,像是「恭喜發財」、「萬事如意」等,而「2025 愛你愛我」則是一種新穎且富有趣味的選擇。
  • 英文示範:如果用表達類似的意思直接用 “2025, I love you, love me.” 甚為尷尬,建議以用 “2025: A Year to Shine!” 比較合理

new year Chiikawa Happy New Year 2025(圖片來源:Chiikawa)
Chiikawa Happy New Year 2025(圖片來源:Chiikawa)


  1. 祝您在新的一年裡,事業更上一層樓,成就非凡!
    Wishing you greater success in your career in the coming year!
  2. 感謝您的指導與支持,祝您新年快樂,萬事如意!
    Thank you for your guidance and support; wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best!
  3. 願新的一年帶給您更多的機會與挑戰,祝您一切順利!
    May the new year bring you more opportunities and challenges; wishing you smooth sailing!
  4. 祝您在2025年裡,健康與成功常伴!
    Wishing you health and success in 2025!
  5. 希望在新的一年中,我們能夠一起創造更多的佳績!
    I hope we can achieve even more together in the new year!
  6. 祝福您在新的一年中,心想事成,工作愉快!
    Wishing you all your dreams come true and a joyful work life in the new year!
  7. 感謝您的辛勞與奉獻,願您在2025年裡收穫滿滿!
    Thank you for your hard work and dedication; may you reap abundant rewards in 2025!
  8. 祝您在新的一年裡,家庭幸福,事業興旺!
    Wishing you a happy family and a thriving career in the new year!


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  1. 新年快樂!願我們的團隊在2025年中更強大、更團結!
    Happy New Year! May our team grow stronger and more united in 2025!
  2. 希望新的一年能帶給我們更多的合作機會與成功!
    I hope the new year brings us more opportunities for collaboration and success!
  3. 祝你在新的一年裡,工作順利,生活愉快!
    Wishing you smooth work and a joyful life in the new year!
  4. 願我們在2025年一起克服挑戰,共同成長!
    May we overcome challenges together and grow together in 2025!
  5. 新的一年,希望能與你一起創造更多美好的回憶!
    In the new year, I look forward to creating more wonderful memories with you!
  6. 祝你在新的一年裡,健康常伴,心情愉快!
    Wishing you good health and happiness in the new year!
  7. 感謝你的支持與合作,祝你新年快樂,萬事如意!
    Thank you for your support and cooperation; wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best!
  8. 願我們的友誼在新的一年中更加深厚!
    May our friendship deepen even more in the new year!


  1. 祝您在新的一年裡身體健康,平安喜樂!
    Wishing you good health, peace, and joy in the coming year!
  2. 感謝您一直以來的關心與支持,新年快樂!
    Thank you for your constant care and support; Happy New Year!
  3. 願您的每一天都充滿幸福與快樂,新的一年更美好!
    May each day be filled with happiness and joy, making the new year even better!
  4. 祝福您在2025年裡,一切順心如意,家庭和睦!
    Wishing you everything goes smoothly and a harmonious family in 2025!
  5. 希望新的一年能讓您享受更多的天倫之樂!
    I hope the new year brings you more moments of family joy!
  6. 祝您心想事成,生活美滿,新年快樂!
    Wishing your dreams come true, a fulfilling life, and a Happy New Year!
  7. 願您的生活如春花般燦爛,如夏日般熱情!
    May your life be as bright as spring flowers and as warm as summer days!
  8. 新的一年,希望能多陪伴您,共享天倫之樂!
    In the new year, I hope to spend more time with you, sharing family joy!


  1. 新年快樂!願你的每一個願望都能實現!
    Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true!
  2. 祝你在2025年裡,每天都充滿笑聲和快樂!
    Wishing you laughter and happiness every day in 2025!
  3. 願我們的友誼在新的一年中更加深厚,彼此支持!
    May our friendship deepen in the new year as we support each other!
  4. 新年的鐘聲敲響了,希望帶來新的希望和機會!
    As the New Year bells ring, may they bring new hopes and opportunities!
  5. 祝你和家人在新的一年裡幸福安康,共享美好時光!
    Wishing you and your family happiness and health in the new year, enjoying wonderful times together!
  6. 希望我們能有更多的聚會和歡笑,新年快樂!
    I hope we can have more gatherings and laughter; Happy New Year!
  7. 願你的生活如星空般璀璨,每一天都充滿驚喜!
    May your life shine like the stars, with surprises every day!
  8. 新一年開始了,希望我們都能追尋自己的夢想,共同成長!
    A new year has begun; may we pursue our dreams together and grow together!


  1. 新年快樂,我最好的朋友!願我們的友誼永不改變!
    Happy New Year, my best friend! May our friendship never change!
  2. 希望在2025年的每一天,我們都能一起分享歡笑與淚水!
    I hope we can share laughter and tears together every day of 2025!
  3. 願你的每一個夢想都能實現,我永遠支持你!
    May all your dreams come true; I will always support you!
  4. 新一年新的開始,希望我們一起創造更多美好回憶!
    A new year means a fresh start; let’s create more beautiful memories together!
  5. 祝你在新的一年裡,愛情甜蜜、事業順利、生活愉快!
    Wishing you sweet love, smooth career, and joyful life in the new year!
  6. 希望我們的友誼像紅酒一樣隨著時間愈加醇厚!
    I hope our friendship becomes richer like fine wine over time!
  7. 新年的到來讓我更加珍惜有你的每一刻,新年快樂!
    The arrival of the New Year makes me cherish every moment with you even more; Happy New Year!
  8. 願我們在2025年的旅程中,一起冒險、一起成長、一起歡笑!
    May we embark on adventures together, grow together, and laugh together in 2025!

新年祝福語2025|138句萬用拜年祝賀詞、揮春字句 親友同事都啱用

日本倒數2025!6大東京倒數跨年活動推介 增上寺敲鐘/富士山日出


在2025年,華文地區流行一句「2025 愛你愛我」,是2025的國語發音諧音,不少短訊也以此發揮,大家也可以試試說!



圖片來源:Line Hong Kong, 網上圖片