極之喜歡這種類型的主題,透過一種夢幻的氣氛而令每一個前來的朋友都得到一種“希望“ 的感覺,就如進入了夢境中,從暖和色溫中感受如夢裡般的幸福。彷彿世界最美的景象,都總是等著我們抬頭細看,向高山舉目 :D
簡單極速製作了這短片,跟大家分享 Covent Garden 柯芬園的 < HEARTBEAT . 心跳>
裝置藝術,感謝當時在表演的演奏者,一首< Canon . 卡農 >塑造出典雅情調,
今天的 Covent Garden 在這團雲彩下,頓時變得特別美。
Sunny Pang’s 英倫光影 攝影及製作
影片: goo.gl/eZeysg
A simple clip to share the beautiful art installation < HEARTBEAT > in Covent Garden with everyone. Truly grateful to the outstanding musicians who performed the classic song < Canon>, bringing out the elegance and relaxing atmosphere. Especially the Cellist who kept playing and pranking with the audiences while selling their album, which was hilarious and fun to watch.
Covent Garden was turned into such a beautiful paradise under this intriguing cloud of arts today.